Tuesday, 16 June 2015


Vicki Michelle superbly showcases her then lingerie line, circa 1987.

The saucy French-set World War II comedy ALLO ALLO, made by the UK's BBC, had some fine postcard humour and OTT silliness that makes it a continued success to this day, but most men watched primarily for the show's two main lingerie and stockings wearing sirens, Vicki Michelle as sultry waitress Yvette and Kim Hartman as the German lieutenant Huelga, who never failed to deliver their stunning goods every week to appreciative fans. Miss Hartman will feature in a separate posting- let's first appreciate the shapely actress/model/reality star Vicki Michelle MBE in her prime.

With Sue Hodge and Gordon Kaye in publicity for Allo, Allo. Image: BBC

Showing off some silk stockings in Allo Allo. Images: BBC.
All tied up in Allo Allo. Series image: BBC.
More impressive leg displays from the series.

If anyone has the above top B/W scan in better quality, please get in touch.

Vicki (in red basque) modelling in the 70's.
Vicki as Yvette in Allo Allo. Image: BBC.

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